(revised 2010)
Worship is a response. It is a response to who God is and what he has done. It is a response that is connected to everything we do, with every aspect of our lives. We fully respond to God with the entirety of our lives. It’s something we grow in, and it’s something we work at. It’s how we love God, and how we love our neighbors. Worship is diverse, innovative, creative, sacrificial and relevant. It is private and corporate. It encompasses both old and new, planning and spontaneity, mystery and rationality, vertical and horizontal, suffering and comfort, freedom and discipline. It is rooted in truth that teaches and provokes a response. How will you respond?
Keeping in mind everything previously stated, we can have a much clearer and intentional worship service. There is a large variety of songs we sing that are diverse in musical styles as well as lyrics. The lyrics are found in truth. The songs teach us and are vast in the ways in which they connect with people. They encompass...